My Classroom Website

MARCH 23, 2014  PSSA testing starts this Tuesday!   If your child, brings a cell phone to school, I ask that you please put their name on it, or I will use masking tape to put their name on it.  ALL CELL PHONES MUST BE TURNED OFF AND LOCKED IN MY CLOSET EACH TESTING DAY. All students will get their cell phones back at the end of each day!  If you feel more comfortable having your child leave it home, that would be best! We have been practicing for several weeks now and we will do 2 practice tests tomorrow.  It is MOST IMPORTANT that students are here and on time each day of testing.  Students may bring in BOARD GAMES to school to play for destressing after tests each day.  All remedial packets are due no later than April 3, 2014.  Students must get 75% correct in order to pass the grade.  There will be no gym class for 214 during PSSA testing weeks.  HELP YOUR CHILD BE SUCCESSFUL ON PSSA!  Make sure they get to bed early.  Make sure they have a good breakfast and get to school ON TIME.  Discuss the test with them each day.  Ask them what was on the test?  Review basic math skills each night.  Remind them to take their time, listen to directions, READ directions, and do the best that they can.  We have practiced for this in class and they have done several homework assignments to practice.  No need to stress!!